The Media & Pit Bulls: Destroying a Breed’s Reputation

Maui - Blue American Bully Pitbull Female Fatz Puppy

Blue Pitbull Puppy

“Whoever controls the media, controls the people,” – Jim Morrison.

Has anyone ever dropped the “Pit Bull” bomb on you?

“Help, I lost my dog. He’s about a 60 pound pit bull,” or “When you come over later make sure to ignore my pit bull so he gets use to you. And keep your hands at your side.”

A normal mental reaction might be something like this: “KJHDKJSHDKJAS,” or “NO, I am not losing a hand today.”

Why do most people immediately presume there is danger when coming into contact with a pit bull? The answer is the media.

The media dictates who, what, when and why we think or react to certain topics. When the media turned to the reputation of pit bulls, America followed suit.

Guess who was America’s favorite breed before the 1980’s? Pit bulls! Guess which breed was used in the World War I military forces? Pit bulls! Guess what was a common nickname for famous athletes in the 1930’s and 40’s? A pit bull! And finally, guess which breed starred in movies and comedies before any other breed? Pit bulls!

If pit bulls were America’s heroic and famous breed, why are states across America imposing different types of bans on the American Pit Bull breed?

Two answers: the media and illegal dog fighting.


The Truth About Pitbulls

Before the 1980’s, America loved pit bulls. However, the media turned society against the breed by publicizing only pit bull dog attacks or incidents. Now, America views pit bulls as one of the most fearsome dogs. There have been multiple bans and restraints on pit bulls across the nation.

According to the Mother Nature Network,, the Maryland Court of Appeals declared that pit bulls are “inherently dangerous”.

This rule gives legal action to anyone attacked by a pit bull or pit bull mix. In other words, it is no longer necessary to prove that a pit bull is dangerous. If there is an attack with a pit bull involved, the pit bull is immediately deemed dangerous and must be eliminated from the premises. In reality, there is no generic evident at all that pit bulls are a more dangerous breed than other dog breeds. The Alabama Supreme Court ruled in favor of the breed. Read this article to read the truth about pit bulls:

According to the American Temperament, pit bulls have a 85.3% nonaggressive passing rate compared to any other breeds who have a passing rate of 81.9%.


The truth about pit bulls.

The truth is that it takes a responsible owner or guardian to train a well-behaved dog… even a pit bull.

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